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Employee Copyright Warning

Copyright Warning

Notice to employees involved in printing uploaded artwork.

Stay vigilant for copyrighted images! We do not print copyrighted or trademarked images at!

Visually check all prints for anything that could be an infringement of copyright or trademark. If you detect a copyrighted image, logo, or trademark, report it immediately to customer service and do not proceed with printing that order. Watch for any licensed characters, drawn images of licensed characters, brand logos, anything recognizable as a licensed image.

Examples of copyrighted and or trademarked work includes but is not limited to the following brands:

Disney, Hello Kitty, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Marvel, DC comics, Pixar, Dr Suess, NFL or NBA team logos, Celebrity likenesses, Band logos and Album covers, Cat in the Hat, Grinch, Dora the Explorer, Transformers, Nintendo, Mario, Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog, Spiderman, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Elvis, Star Wars, Paw Patrol, etc.

We also refuse to print nudity, obscenity, or hate speech.

We are counting on you to catch and report these images to protect us all. If you are suspicous or unsure, ask a manager or customer service. Thank you for being part of the 143 team!